Current blockchain problems and Scalar's solutions

Current blockchain problems and Scalar's solutions

Current Blockchain Problems

Scalar's Solutions

Problem 1: Over $1 Trillion in Unusable Assets on Bitcoin

⚠️ Issue:

  • Bitcoin, being one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies, has over $1 trillion in assets that often remain idle and underutilized.

  • Current solutions, such as BTC-wrapped tokens, fail to meet the needs of Bitcoin holders, limiting the

Scalar's Solution:

  • Integration with Scalar for DeFi TVL:

    • Scalar provides a platform to integrate Bitcoin assets into its ecosystem.
    • By bringing Bitcoin assets into Scalar, these assets can be utilized within DeFi applications, increasing the Total Value Locked (TVL) and enabling Bitcoin holders to earn yields and participate in various financial activities.
    • This solution ensures that Bitcoin's vast liquidity is no longer idle but actively contributes to the DeFi ecosystem, enhancing overall market efficiency and offering new opportunities for Bitcoin holders.

Problem 2: Over $3 Trillion in Siloed Liquidity Across 100+ Chains

⚠️ Issue:

  • The blockchain landscape consists of hundreds of blockchains, each with fragmented and siloed liquidity.

  • This fragmentation is exacerbated by multiple Remote Procedure Call (RPC) endpoints, making it difficult to unify these assets and bring them together with Bitcoin.

✅ Scalar's Solution:

  • Unified Liquidity for DeFi TVL:

    • Scalar aims to consolidate these fragmented assets by creating a unified platform that integrates liquidity from various blockchains.
    • By bridging assets from over 100 chains, Scalar enhances the liquidity pool available for DeFi applications.
    • This unification process simplifies interactions across different blockchains, allowing assets, including Bitcoin, to be efficiently utilized within a single, cohesive DeFi ecosystem.

Problem 3: More than $1 Billion per Year Lost to MEV Attacks

⚠️ Issue:

  • Miner Extractable Value (MEV) attacks are prevalent in Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and other Proof of Stake (PoS) chains.
  • These attacks exploit transaction ordering to extract value, resulting in significant losses for users, estimated to exceed $1 billion annually.

✅ Scalar's Solution:

  • Refined Consensus Design:
    • Scalar employs a refined consensus mechanism specifically designed to mitigate the risks associated with MEV attacks.
    • This consensus design enhances the security and fairness of transactions, reducing the likelihood of MEV exploits.
    • By addressing the root causes of MEV attacks, Scalar protects users from these losses, ensuring a more secure and reliable blockchain environment.


Scalar addresses some of the most pressing issues in the blockchain space by offering innovative solutions:

  1. Utilizing Idle Bitcoin Assets:

    • Integrates Bitcoin into DeFi, making over $1 trillion in assets usable and productive.
  2. Unifying Fragmented Liquidity:

    • Consolidates liquidity from over 100 blockchains, creating a robust and cohesive DeFi ecosystem.
  3. Mitigating MEV Attacks:

    • Implements a refined consensus design to protect users from MEV-related losses.

Through these solutions, Scalar enhances the overall functionality, security, and efficiency of the blockchain ecosystem, paving the way for more integrated and user-friendly decentralized finance applications.